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BCS Preparation English Determiners

BCS Preparation English Determiners

by Farhana Rahim on 2024-08-15 11:45:46 Last Updated by Farhana Rahim on2024-08-15 11:45:46

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The is called the definite article because it is used to indicate something specific.

A and An are called the indefinite articles because they are used to indicate something unspecific.

  1. I fell over the chair again.  (The chair is specific. It is known to the audience.)
  2. Can you pass me a chair?  (This means an unspecific chair, i.e., any chair.)

An is used when the first sound of the word is a vowel sound. 

  1. A house 
  2. An hour 
  3. This is because house starts with a consonant sound, but hour starts with a vowel sound.
  4. It would be a honour.   (The word honour starts with an o sound.)
  5. She was involved in a RTA.   (The abbreviation RTA starts with an a sound (i.e., ar-tee-ay.) 
  6. A uniform row 
  7. An unidentified man 
  8. (Uniform and unidentified start with vowel U; however, uniform attracts a, and unidentified attracts an. This is because uniform starts with a consonant sound (yoo), but unidentified starts with a vowel sound.)

When to use 'the':
there is only one
The Pope is visiting Russia.
The moon is very bright tonight.
The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979. 
He is the tallest boy in the class.
to say something about all the things referred to by a noun:

  1. The Chinese have an ancient culture.
  2. The kangaroo is found only in Australia.

• countries whose names include words like kingdomstates or republic:
the United Kingdom; the kingdom of Nepal; the United States; the People’s Republic of China.
• countries which have plural nouns as their names:
the Netherlands; the Philippines
• geographical features, such as mountain ranges, groups of islands, rivers, seas, oceans and canals:
the Himalayas; the Canaries; the Atlantic; the Atlantic Ocean; the Amazon; the Panama Canal.
• newspapers:
The Times; The Washington Post
• well known buildings or works of art:
the Empire State Building; the Taj Mahal; the Mona Lisa; the Sunflowers
• organisations:
the United Nations; the Seamen’s Union
• hotelspubs and restaurants*:
the Ritz; the Ritz Hotel; the King’s Head; the Déjà Vu
We do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is the name of the owner, e.g.,Brown’s; Brown’s Hotel; Morel’s; Morel’s Restaurant, etc.
• families:
the Obamas; the Jacksons
• if the noun is followed by (who/which/that) or a prepositional phrase (of/in/to...), it takes the definite article
The man who lives next door is Chinese.
•  একজন ব্যক্তিকে যদি বিখ্যাত কোন ব্যক্তির সাথে তুলনা করা হয়, সেই বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তির নামের পূর্বে The বসে। For example: Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh.
• Names of decades, centuries and historic periods take the definite article, as they are a form of unique reference: For example: The 1960s were a time of student rebellion.
• Superlative Degree এর পূর্বে The হয়। For example: He is the best boy in the class.
• Musical instruments এর পূর্বে The হয়। For example: She is learning the guitar. Tamanna plays the piano really well.
• কোন System বা Service এর reference এ The ব্যবহৃত হয়। For example: You should tell the police. I heard it on the radio.
• To talk about groups of people, ‘The’ is used with adjectives. For example: She works for a group to help the disables. Life is very hard for the poor. The rich should pay more taxes.
• We do not normally use the definite article with names:
William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Paris is the capital of France.
Iran is in Asia.
• Sentences you should remember:
We travelled by bus.
Something is better than nothing.
Charity begins at home.
Better an empty house than an ill tenant.
Woman is man's mate.
The book is bought from College Street.

বি.দ্র.: বিসিএস প্রস্তুতির জন্য "প্রফেসরস প্রকাশনী" অথবা "জর্জ MP3" বই পড়তে পারেন।

Note: এই পেইজের সকল তথ্য ইন্টারনেট থেকে সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে। আমরা কপিরাইট আইন কঠোরভাবে মান্য করি। এই website এর কোনো content এর বিষয়ে কোনো আপত্তি থাকলে আমাদের মেইল করুন farhanarahim121212@gmail.com. আপত্তি সঠিক হলে আমরা content মুছে দেব।

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